Precise pronunciation of the sounds of the alphabet

When children begin their reading instruction, it is really important that they learn good habits so that they don’t need to unlearn them at a later stage. The first thing children will learn is how sounds of speech are represented by letters. In other words, they learn the relationship between written letters and spoken sounds.…

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“Magic Reading Rocks” inspired by the Magic Belt Series

“The magic for these kids was finding a series that they could decode, that could keep their interest, that motivated hard work, and that made them sound and feel like successful readers.” ~Brin Tucker Last year I was serving as an instructional coach, intern mentor, and also ran some intervention groups. Our intern, Amelia Fontein…

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More than just books!

Magic Belt Series

“So, the books are more than just books!” – Miriam Fein I’d like to share my experience of using Phonic Books resources and my wholehearted recommendation! Just the other day I was telling another tutor (who will be working with a former student of mine) about Phonic Books. She was not familiar and I’m so…

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“Are we going to read today!?”

Jessica berg

“These decodables are the perfect addition to our ever evolving collection.” My name is Jessica Berg and this is my 3rd year serving as the instructional coach at Ellis Elementary. Ellis Elementary is one of 25 elementary schools in Rockford School District 205. We are an urban school with over 400 students K-5. We have…

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The b/d reversal struggle

Bat before ball

How to help students who struggle with b/d reversal Do you have students who really struggle with reversing the letters b and d? Reading specialist, Savannah Campbell, has some practical tips to help with this common issue. If you’re an elementary school teacher, it is likely you share the same problem as millions of other…

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Phonic Books decodable books in first Literacy Hub in Buffalo, New York

On February 10th, to celebrate Black History month, the first Buffalo Sabres Literacy Hub was opened at the Stanley Makowski Early Childhood Centre in Buffalo Public School #99.  Phonic Books is proud to have participated in the opening of this hub alongside other publishers of decodable books. This wonderful initiative was set up by Teach…

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The making and success of the Truth About Reading Documentary

Nick nanton introduces the film

In this final instalment of a series of guest blogs, Nora Chahbazi, literacy consultant (pro bono) via the John Corcoran foundation to The Truth About Reading documentary team and Founder of EBLI, talks about the impact of the documentary and offers insight into the making of the film.  I was honored to be at the first private screening of The…

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Barbara Steinberg’s top 10 reasons why Phonic Books are the best decodable books!

In this video Barbara Steinberg shares her top ten reasons that “Phonic Books are the best decodable books out there” Barbara is the Founder and CEO of PDX Reading Specialist and was previously an elementary teacher for over ten years. Barbara discusses why Phonic Books are a vital tool in her work, from the systematic approach…

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Let’s make learning fun!

Hazlitt learning quote

“Let’s make learning fun!” I always do a silent inner eye roll when I hear that phrase. The exclamation is loaded. Loaded with unspoken messages. The first message is that whatever we are currently doing with our pupils must be as dull as ditch water and need jazzing up. We are urged to bring ‘magic’…

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Pronunciation and the development of vocabulary

Teaching reading with phonic books catch up readers 1024x682

We all mispronounce words from time to time, especially when they are unfamiliar to us. Speech and Language Pathologist, Miriam Fein, explores the important link between pronunciation and the development of vocabulary. Every once in a while someone starts a thread on Twitter about words that they mispronounced for a long time because they only…

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